
Testo sotto: 

We noted the raised concern regarding the Protected Cell/Colum of the published Bill of Quantity (BoQ) of the Tender 07/2023/AID012590/08/8. Understanding the importance of a more user-friendly and manipulable format, I am pleased to inform you that we have taken your feedback into account and have unlocked  the Protected Parts of  BoQ in Excel sheet t.

Considering this, we are sharing the Excel BoQ with you through our website   to ensure ease of access and download. You can find the Excel BoQ by following the link provided below: 

We hope that this format will facilitate your estimation and proposal preparation process, allowing for more accurate calculations and customization.

Please take the time you need to review the Excel BoQ and incorporate it into your proposal. Should you have any questions, require clarifications, or encounter any technical issues, do not hesitate to reach out to our designated point of contact, at and the answers will be publish in this FAQ page

We value your interest in the Tender Titled as local open tender for the construction works of schools WASH infrastructure REF N°07/2023/AID012590/08/8  to be Constructed in GATSIBO District and your commitment to delivering high-quality work. We believe that this format adjustment will contribute to a smoother and more efficient bidding process for all parties involved.
