August 2022

There are slums in Nairobi. They are slums on the edge of the city where the quality of life is non-existent: the houses are very small and have no windows or floors, there are shared bathrooms for every 35 families, evictions are the order of the day, the streets are open-air dumps and the social situation is disastrous. HIV is a real scourge among young people and brings with it psychological and occupational marginalization. Among young people, early school leaving and violence are highly common situations.
This is the "photograph" of an extreme but real situation in which since 2017 we have decided to intervene together with other NGOs (SVI, SCAIP and MMI) to multiply our impact and try to enhance the experiences of each one by making their own strengths to carry out a project that concretely helps to improve the difficult conditions of the suburbs of Nairobi.


You will never walk alone (2020 - 2023)

  • Funder: AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Fondazione Museke Onlus
  • Project duration: 3 years
  • Lead Partner: L'Africa Chiama Onlus Partner: MMI - Medicus Mundi Italia, MLFM, Centro Monari, CSI; Local counterparts: Action Network for the Disabled (ANDY), Deaf Empowerment Kenya (DEK), Companionship of Works Organization (CoWA)
  • Beneficiaries: 26.150
  • Results: improved the capacity of health centers in prevention of disability, early diagnosis of disability in children (0-5), in the referral system and in making facilities accessible to people with disabilities, strengthened rehabilitation services for children with disabilities through community-based rehabilitation, improved families' awareness of disabilities and strengthened active participation in the defense of children's rights, promoted the economic inclusion of families with children with disabilities, encouraged the educational inclusion of children with disabilities in kindergartens.


No one out - youth inclusion in Nairobi slums (2017 - 2020)

  • Funder: AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (MAECI)
  • Project duration: 3 years
  • Lead Partner: SVI, Partner: MMI - Medicus Mundi Italia, SCAIP - Piamartino Onlus International Assistance Collaboration Service, CBM Italia - Christian Blind Mission Italia Onlus, FTC Ong - Find The Cure, Cassa Padana Banca di Credito Cooperativo, Christian Blind Mission Italia Onlus - CBM AFERO, Local counterparts: IECE - Integrated Education for Community Empowerment, WOFAK - Woman Fighting Aids in Kenya, GCN - Girl Child Network
  • Beneficiaries: 147,833
  • Results: socio-health and economic inclusion of handicapped children and HIV + patients