September 2022

The Izere Center was created in 1994 to assist the population of Byumba Province at the end of the civil war. In 2012 the collaboration with MLFM began, to support activities for children and young people with disabilities or problems related to HIV, through education, health care and food programs. In particular, in 2022 Distance Support made it possible to offer medical, surgical and therapeutic assistance to 52 children with physical and cognitive disabilities and support for the school and recreational activities of all 270 children who attend the Center and the staff who work in the structure. 

In 2022 there were 11 active SADs. 


We support the Izere Center through the Distance Support program, so that stability and continuity can be guaranteed, two fundamental elements for the maintenance of a structure that offers education, care and assistance to extremely fragile women and children. 

Since 2012, through Distance Support it has allowed: 

  • Medical assistance and weekly therapeutic activities 
  • Transport of children and young people with disabilities 
  • School supplies and play and recreational activities 
  • -Support and information guidance for families of people with disabilities 



Gicumbi District, Byumba, Rwanda