Global Citizenship Education
August 2018
Global Citizenship Education

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” N. Mandela 

We are working with local schools, from primary to high school, with global citizenship education courses aimed at teachers and students.  We work on the most current issues such as water, the right to food, international cooperation and inclusion. Thanks to our work at SanfereOrto, the social garden in the San Fereolo neighborhood of Lodi, we have also acquired experience and expertise on environmental issues and we offer environmental education courses in the garden, with a particular focus on safeguarding biodiversity and the importance of pollinating insects, especially bees. 

Should there be a specific need from one of the School, we are available to co-design ad hoc educational paths together on the topics within our competence, i.e. international cooperation and sustainable development. For information call our office (0371 420766) from Mon to Fri (9-16), or write to Michela at the email 



  • Recipients: 4th grades of Primary School 

"Acqua e Vinci" is an educational path in collaboration with SAL (Water Society Lodi) that use game as medium of learning and educating on the conscious use of water resources. "Acqua e Vinci" begins in the classroom, with a lesson on issues related to water resources (access and sustainability) and ends with the Lodigiana Water Championship, a challenge between classes through the "H2Oca Game", which every year puts up for grabs an educational trip for the winning class. The class lesson will be granted in the period October/February while the conclusion (Championship) will be on March 22nd on the occasion of World Water Day.  An environmental education course in the classroom focused on the correct use of sewage as well as on the more "classic" topics, starting from the food use of tap water, as a choice of environmental sustainability, up to all the broader topics : from the difficulty of accessing water resources in many areas of the planet, to the functioning of the integrated water cycle (aqueduct, sewerage and purification) up to the specific theme that the United Nations chooses every year to celebrate World Water Day on 22 March. 

  • COLLABORATION WITH SAL (Water Society Lodi) 

SAL is the municipal water supply company in the province of Lodi. For 10 years, thanks to a consolidated partnership linked to the good of water, together with SAL we have been meeting the fourth grades of primary schools in the Lodi area, with the aim of stimulating a reflection on the importance of water, a primary and fundamental resource for each of us. Starting from the disparities in access to water on our planet and from the story of the water project curated by MLFM in Rwanda, to bring drinking water to those who don't have it, the children will be accompanied on a small journey to discover the Lodi water to find out where it is taken from, how it is distributed and how we can protect such a precious resource for the sustainable development of the area . "'Proper water management passes through education - says Antonio Colombi, President of MLFM. – This is the message we want to get across, by raising awareness with schools on the importance of water and collaborating with SAL. With this joint action we hope to be able to create interest, also by transmitting our experience and our work historically focused on guaranteeing access to water in the poorest countries, with the aim of generating future citizens who are more aware and attentive to the sustainability of their actions.” 

For information call the office (0371 420766) from Mon to Fri (9-16), or write to Michela at the email 



  • Recipients: Kindergarten, Primary School, 1st Grade Secondary School Classes. 

The SanfereOrto Space in Lodi, managed by MLFM with other local entities, carries out projects for the social and/or occupational inclusion of fragile individuals, but also for the development of outdoor educational activities. Within the area, depending on the period of the year, it will be possible for students to get their hands on the ground: sow, plant, harvest, but also hoe, weed, dig, create seedbeds and cuttings, transfer, create supports for vegetables and, why not, fertilising. Furthermore, visits to the garden will allow students to get to know the people employed in SanfereOrto projects: beneficiaries, educators, volunteers in order to understand firsthand the social opportunities of this common space. 

Each proposed activity will be carried out in teams, therefore, the students will strengthen their transversal skills, in particular they will be called to take action to organize the cooperative works proposed by the operators. 

To carry out the activities in the garden, a contribution of at least 50 euros per class is required, in the form of a donation to support the SanfereOrto project. 

For information call the office (0371 420766) from Mon to Fri (9-16), or write to Michela at the email 

For more info on Sanfereorto, visit the website: